Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Brochure Design..

For this project i have been asked to make a brochure for an up coming event. So i decided to play with black and White photo for the back ground. The idea is to make a strong contras between the image at the back with the main illustration. And these event happens in Indonesia btw :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


This one of my projects that i did for a coffee shop in Indonesia. The concept behind this is combining the element of two different culture and put it in one unity. The two cups resemble the owners. You can tell that i combined warm color and cool color to give that contras between images. I really enjoy doing this project because is a challenge to combine American and Japanese style.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

This is me..

Hi my name is Jonathan Harjo, and I am a designer. This is my first blog, I am still working on my personal website. I will post all my work on this blog both past and present design, it would be cool for you to give them your thoughts about it. THANKS !